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Create, Connect, Share!

image taken at Activism Camp 2015

I’m currently preparing for my workshop at Activism Camp next week, 1/2nd July, in Knockree Youth Hostel, Enniskerry, County Wicklow.

Run by Claiming our Future, it is an excellent opportunity to meet with like-minded individuals, network, and get a crash course in creative action for social change.

I will be giving a workshop on mindmapping a social media strategy, focusing on a ‘less is more’ approach. Through research on your community, and by creating a strategy, you can spend less time on ‘pushing’ your campaign and more time ‘pulling’, creating good content.


Creating a mindmap and a digital toolkit, for a community powered marketing campaign, that includes:

  • a digital needs analysis of your organisation
  • a needs analysis of your community
  • a social media editorial calender
  • a portfolio of digital visual & oral media techniques eg blog posts, memes, podcasts, etc.
  • And of course, a guide to using open source programs

I’ll be bringing lots of post-its and markers, so hope for a very colourful and enjoyable afternoon with my participants.

I’ll be attending the rest of the workshops, which include Digital Storytelling, Power of Spoken Word, Exploring value-based visions and more.

There are just a few places left, so if you are interested, click the link below. Its cheap, child-friendly, amazing people and food. I came away from last years event feeling inspired, fired-up and ready for action. Cannot recommend highly enough!





So, what do you think ?
