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Ogham Stones in Mindcraft

blog header with text mindcraft

In order to explore the potential of different generations, that could potentially participate in a community-based archaeology project, such as Ogham in 3D, or a different learning terrain, such as an exhibition in a library, I have been looking into Mindcraft.

Digital Artefact – Mindcraft

Digital Tools Used: Laptop, Mindcraft

Skills Needed: Basic skills in downloading software and installing them onto computer.

Level: Beginner

Licence: Licenced. Non-commercial usage

Possible Use for Community Archeology project: A community event to get kids to create Ogham Stones in Mindcraft.

In order to explore the potential of different generations, that could potentially participate in a community-based archaeology project, such as Ogham in 3D, or a different learning terrain, such as an exhibition in a library, I have been looking into Mindcraft.

Minecraft is a computer participatory game where you dig and build different kinds of 3D blocks, on various terrains and habitats. You can also play online with other Mindcraft users, building and fighting. At the Museum Next, conference in Dublin in Spring 2016, Mark Nagurski, founder of the CultureTECH Festival in Northern Ireland, spoke about although the festival was successful, it seemed to only reach the same schools, same parents, and therefore the same kids. To source new educational outreaches, we needed to look at the kids themselves, what they like to do, where they like to hang out; find new medias to use. He talked about YouTube, and how 50% of under eighteen year olds check in almost every day. Looking to Mindcraft, and the superstars of YouTube, such as Stampy Longnose, a YouTuber who’s channel gets over 40 million hits per week.


table of mindcraft view statistics

Statistics Table of Mindcraft

The above figure is taken from Minecraft Statistics, the statistics for a single day in August 2016, proving how successful the game is. With Nagurski’s words in my mind, about reaching out to new audiences through their referred medium, I built an Ogham Stone in Mindcraft. The following image is a screenshot from an Ogham Stone I created in Mindcraft.

Ogham Stone made in Mindcraft

My Mindcraft skills are minimal, the Ogham stone is in 2D only. Creating diagonal lines proved difficult. A possible approach to teach digital skills through the Ogham in 3D project, would be to have a Mindcraft session in the local library, a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) event, where the participants create a simulation of the Peninsula, and create Ogham Stones. A new form of Ogham script could be devised, to suit Mindcraft, these could then be used as markers of territory, buildings, or battle victories. Peer-to-peer learning in this situation, is the only option, as the children are indeed the digital natives in this situation, knowing more about Mindcraft than the average adult.


Ogham in mindcraft

Mindcraft Font by Madpixel Designs, which I downloaded from Dafont.com. A website with free, donor and licenced fonts.




So, what do you think ?
