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Posts tagged with: digital


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We can learn more from each other when information is open. A free exchange of ideas is critical to creating an environment where people are allowed to learn and use existing information toward creating new ideas.

Participation and collaboration is a fundamental key to being about to live in a community orientated fair world. Open Source software applies these principles to the development and sharing of new kinds of alternative digital platforms.

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Why Digital Culture

Last winter I completed a course on Digital Design, it was the start of my journey down the digital road. Using Photoshop and Notepad, I learned how to design and hand-code my own website. Looking to further my knowledge and experience, I researched for an online course, that would further my digital skills.

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Hello World

graphic of diigital network

I have just begun a Masters in Digital Culture with UCC.

This blog contains my research and rambling on what is Digital Culture. What is means to me, my community and my work.
