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Digitalis 2.0

gif saying digitalis 2.0

Digitalis 2.0 is a 2 day conference taking place on Thursday and Friday, April 7-8, 2016. Myself, along with other MA Digital Cultures, MA Digital Humanities and PHD students, will be presenting series of talks on our interests and research. It takes place at the Active Learning Space, Food and Technology Building, UCC from 10am-3pm.

As part of course, we get to stage this 2 day conference. It is a great experience to organise the conference, build on your strengths, depending on what role you play in the organization, and most of all to get to spend 2 ys with your fellow students, hearing all about their interests.

We also have some fantastic keynote speakers lined up, including Dr Andrew Prescott, Professor of Digital Humanities at the University of Glasgow, Deirdre Ní Luasaigh, co-founder and CEO of digital archive business CultureArk, among others.

Knowing I will be giving a presentation on my dissertation, also gave me great incentive (and fear!) to finalize subject matter, research methods, and a working title. I’m really looking forward to hearing my colleges, and meeting some of them for the first time, as most of us are studing online, its our first opportunity to meet in person.

Everyone is welcome to this event, and considering the Friday is International Day of Digital Humanities, our timing couldnt be better.

There will be live tweets and blogs over the two days, which you can follow here:

Blog: https://digitalisucc.wordpress.com/

Twitter: @uccdigitalis2

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/385472128243885/

Feedback so far has been great. We got a great mention in the Irish Examiner. REad about it here: http://www.irishexaminer.com/examviral/science-world/ucc-conference-to-explore-our-digital-identities-and-role-of-technology-391064.html

poster for the Digitalis 2.0 Event in UCC

So, what do you think ?
